Ode on a Grecian Urn Part 2: Reforge Your Willpower and Actively Relieve Stress
Ode on a Grecian Urn Part 1: Ancient Stress-Relief Techniques For a Modern Age
Train Like A Hero: Exercise Principles for Sustainable, Progressive Results
Health, Body, Exercise PrinciplesBrad Davidexercise principles, high intensity training, sustainable strength, strength gains, safe exercise, training to failure, train for success, exercise for success
Racing The Sun Part 1: How to Set Goals and Form New Habits.
Motivation, HealthBrad Davidgoal setting, how to build habits, habit building, grand canyon, adventure hike, backpacking fitness, fitness motivation, adventure fitness, how to set goals, challenge yourself, wilderness excercise, how to be disciplined, discipline, strike while the iron is hot, make fitness fun, make exercise enjoyable, fun workouts
Adventurous at Any Age: Chin Up Progression
Health, MotivationBrad Davidage, fitness, chin ups, consistency, discipline, goals, goal setting, physical therapy, injury prevention, exercise programs, programming, progression
The Hero's Journey: Introduction to the Fundamental Movements
Health, Sports, HistoryBrad Davidhero, journey, myth, mythology, fundamental movement, fitness, exercise, philosophy, athletic movement, Joseph Campbell
How The Modern Sport and Fitness Industry Has Failed YOU